Welcome to the Certora Community Forum

Hello Friends,

Welcome to the Certora Community Forum. We are happy you’re here.
Our goal is to create a space for people who want to know more about the Certora Prover and its proprietary language - CVL. Please use this community to catch up on all the latest news, help a fellow member with a question or share your thoughts and ideas with other Certora fans. We have a code of conduct so we can all safely participate in our forum.

In this forum you will find information on:

• Technical ways the tool operates.
• Correct use of features - syntax, use cases, etc.
• Limitations of the technology and workarounds.
• Real life verification problems and their solutions.

You’ve found the best place to get answers that can’t be found in the official documentation of CVL. In fact, this forum is a complementary source of information to the official documentation maintained by Certora - Documentation.

You can also find interesting materials on our official website, Youtube channel, Medium blog and Twitter account.

So what are you waiting for?

Thank you for being here, we appreciate you!