Unable to find contract in differently named file

I’m trying to build a trivial example. I have a contract called Example in example.sol. When I run certoraRun example.sol --verify Example:example.spec I get

argparse.ArgumentTypeError: --verify argument Example doesn't match any contract name. Maybe you meant contract example (found in file example.sol)?

However, when I run with the lowercase e certoraRun example.sol --verify example:example.spec I get a different error:

CRITICAL: Failed to find a contract named example in file /home/mdgeorge/tmp/hookmsg/example.sol. Please make sure there is a file named like the contract, or a file containing a contract with this name. Available contracts: /home/mdgeorge/tmp/hookmsg/example.sol:Example
CRITICAL: Encountered an error running Certora Prover; consider running the script again with --debug to find out why
Exception: Failed to find a contract named example in file /home/mdgeorge/tmp/hookmsg/example.sol. Please make sure there is a file named like the contract, or a file containing a contract with this name. Available contracts: /home/mdgeorge/tmp/hookmsg/example.sol:Example

I was able to resolve this by renaming the file, but is it possible to run on a contract in a differently-named file?